Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Good Semaritan

The 2014 Sparc Festival with kicked off with keynote speaker Dr. Christina Rosen. She spoke about the affects that technology has had in our society. Technology has significantly changed the way we interact with people on a daily basis. There is no longer that personal intimacy that we had decades ago, we are too consumed by our phones, laptops and iPads that we are missing life around us. Dr. Rosen's facts were very alarming, people are more willing to record assaults than call for help. I find it so odd that people aren't willing to help other human beings when in need. I somewhat fear the future for my children, I don't want them to be disconnected and have no sense of intimacy with other human beings. Although I hated it when  my parents restricted the amount of tv and computer time I had, I believe it was very beneficial. I knew what life was before technology was booming and I want my children to know what that kind of life is like as well.

Do you think we rely on technology too much?

This is where we are heading in a few years...

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